The amount and complexity of information produced in science, engineering, business, and everyday human activity is increasing at staggering rates. The goal of this course is to expose you to visual representation methods and techniques that increase the understanding of complex data. Good visualizations not only present a visual interpretation of data, but do so by improving comprehension, communication, and decision making.
In this course you will learn how the human visual system processes and perceives images, good design practices for visualization, methods for visualization of data from a variety of fields, and programming of interactive web-based visualizations using D3.
Course Sessions
Lectures & Labs: Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-4 pm, Maxwell Dworkin G115 and G125 (overflow room).
Sign up here (college students only, no sign-up for DCE students) by Friday, January 29, 2016. Studio meeting times and locations TBD.
Online Students:
Lectures (Tuesdays) will be recorded and will be made available online within 24 hours. Labs for DCE students will be self-guided, in-class labs will not be recorded. Studios will be partly recorded and also be made available within 24 hours. The second part of the studio will be done in online discussions with your assigned studio group.
Office Hours:
Office hours (college) and online office hours (DCE) are posted here.
Lecture Resources:
Discussion forum on Piazza
Materials and grades on Canvas
Teaching Fellows
Johanna Beyer (Head TF) - Postdoctoral Fellow, Visual Computing Group
Kasper Dinkla - Postdoctoral Fellow, Visual Computing Group
Hendrik Strobelt - Postdoctoral Fellow, Visual Computing Group
James Tompkin - Postdoctoral Fellow, Visual Computing Group
Teaching Assistants
Jack Birger
Niamh Durfee
Mirhee Kim - Junior, Molecular Cellular Biology (MCB) Conceentrator
Nam Wook Kim - PhD Student, Visual Computing Group
Benjy Levin - Computer Science Concentrator
Lezhi Li - Master student, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Ana Marinovic - Social Studies Concentrator
Rachael Smith - Philosophy Concentrator, Secondary in Computer Science
DCE Teaching Assistants
Zona Kostic
Alain Ibrahim - Web Developer who enjoys diving into both the functional and artistic dimensions of digital media
Andrew Reece - PhD Student in Psychology
Brandon Tineo
Gus Wezerek
Previous Years
2015 Website
2015 Video Archive